24 - 36 kV Distribusjonskabel

Since the late 1960s we have been developing an entire range of XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) insulated cables for high voltage-transmission.

This kind of cable consists of a stranded copper or aluminum conductor with an extruded insulation system which is further protected by a metallic shield and an outer sheath. In submarine applications, the cable is normally designed with a lead sheath and outer steel-wire armor

XLPE cables are predominantly used in underground networks, but are gradually replacing traditional paper-insulated, fluid-impregnated cables undersea, as well.

They have several distinct advantages:

Flexibility, lightness and strength
No need for an auxiliary fluid-pressure system
Low maintenance compared to fluid-impregnated cables
Simpler accessories

  • 2 families
Axclight 12-24kV three core
Axclight 12-24kV three core

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